Conscious Parenting 101

It is very important that we teach our children not only by what we say but by what we do. Our actions will always speak much louder than our words! Our actions will also have a much larger impact and leave a longer lasting impression than what we said. Most importantly, will be the way we made someone feel, especially the little people we are raising. As our children grow into adulthood, the lessons we didn't mean to teach them will be the ones they carry with them the most. It is pertinent that we are able to admit to our children when we are wrong and to apologize to them. It teaches them how to be better humans, as well as a valuable lesson in humility that can not be taught by telling them to do something you have never done for them. When you treat your children like second class citizens because of how old they are it only shows them that you think you are superior and they are not valued by you. It teaches them that their opinion doesn't matter, their feelings don't matter. If you find yourself using the excuse "I don't care! He/She is a child"! You are probably guilty of this! Admitting when you are wrong and apologizing to children let them know that they are valuable and worthy of an apology and their age doesn't change the fact that "Right is right and wrong is wrong" . . .
~ The Underground Railroad